Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Red Velvet Cupcakes?

Good evening Wine Cousins!

It's a Wednesday night and what better way to enjoy the nice warm spring air than with a grilled bacon burger and a brilliant wine to pair with it!

At a recommendation from Cousin Lisa, I investigated and managed to find the Cupcake Vineyards wine called the Red Velvet blend (Zin, Merlot, Cab).  A little creative name and surprisingly it's true!  If you manage to find a bottle it's not that expensive, $9-12, depending on the source.  Here's my advice to enjoy this wine at maximum benefit.

Step 1:  Open the bottle early - at least 1 hour before you want drink it.  Pop the cork and let it breathe...  If you want to know what I'm talking about, get a good nose from it in small sip in your glass right after you open the bottle and then come back an hour later and do the same.  Right?????  Am I right????
Step 2:  Make yourself a big, juicy bacon burger.  Adding the bacon to the burger is key to compliment this wine.  Chocolate and bacon are always a great combination of flavors.  And Cousin Christina - no, you can't have it with a turkey or veggie burger, not even remotely the same effect.  If you decide to put cheese on it, pick something mild and not a pepper-jack or something with strong kick.  Pick something with a nutty note like a provalone or mild cheddar.  You want the wine to do the talking. 
Step 3:  Drink wine with burger.  Really take in the nose before you sip.  You might smell cocoa/chocolate and maybe a little blackberry.  That's where the famous Red Velvet Cupcake comes through.
Step 4:  Once you wind down the evening (if you have some left, maybe pairing it with your chocolate and sea salt dessert of some kind) - DRINK A BIG GLASS OF WATER.

My big warning on needing the water is this, for those of you that have been to the tasting, look at the label.  Not specific = California.  Price point = cheap.  While cheap is good for many reasons, it opens the door to have a vicious hangover.  The purple tongue you have?  Your mouth feel dry?  Early indicators of a brutal hangover.  My advice is to drink a glass of water right after you finish your wine drinking evening of the Cupcake Red Velvet.

You'll thank me for it.


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