Friday, August 17, 2012

Introducing the Menus Past to Present

I understand it's been a while since I've posted to the blog.  Priorities change but I never stop tasting on my own.  I hope you have too.

Just the other day I was talking to my wine cousin Peter and realized I've been doing wine tastings in my home since 2008.  Many family, friends and coworkers have fallen in love and hate with both the wine and the food and cheese over the years.  I've enjoyed consistenly coming up with new pairings, but I thought for a change I should give my lovely wine cousins the chance to vote.

In the subsequent posts you'll see the menus that I offered beginning with 2008 and all the way to present.  While I won't provide any color commentary to each course, please let me know if there is a pairing that you just need to have again.  Perhaps we can make that dream come true.  Who doesn't love reminiscing a little...


  1. I vote for the dessert wines. Shocking, I know.

  2. Oh Linda. I can't do all dessert wines! If you can pick a couple fav wines and/or a fav dessert, that would help.
